In a world ruled by solar power, rebellious teenager-turned-human-battery Kai finds herself in the middle of a brewing war. Written for a personal graphic novel in progress.

25 Hour Laundry
When 13-year-old science prodigy Kiera and airheaded optimist Troy discover dimensional portals in a run-down laundromat, they take a journey across worlds...and must prevent the boundaries of reality from crumbling.
Sir Dugal and the Knights of the Round Table
When King Arthur is crushed by a wardrobe, cowardly servant Dugal becomes the new leader of the Knights of the Round Table--a collection of incompetent frauds.
Mr. Mayor (spec)
When the governor finds a way to split California into three states, she invites the mayors of California to her mansion to work out the new borders...and leaves Neil in charge of wrangling the mess.

If you have an hour and a half to kill...

I wrote an animated movie.

(it's a work in progress)

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